I am

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Exciting Projects worked on

Coding and Problem solving

I am a Web developer and Artificial Intelligence enthusiastic love to work in area of Deep neural network and machine learning. It has been a more than 2-year-long coding journey and I worked on quite awesome project in the mentioned tech domain.

Collaboration building

A group initiative is the key function in building and working on further as it reduces the work load and also variety of thought boost and improve the project on various parameter and it also boosts the learning process.

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Experience Timeline

May-June 2020

Computer Tutor
Python Programming Intern

During this internship period, the responsibility was to handle the coding issues and the question-solving in the python language which involved the Data Structure , Django Web framework along with SQL.

June-August 2019

Bvcoe, New Delhi
Summer Training

A team collaboration on research training under mentorship of Professor on machine learning algorithm and parameter tuning for the optimum result and analysis. Real time data analysis and the model tuning according to the variation of the parametre.

January-Febuary 2020

Indian Railways, New Delhi
Winter Training

A training to study the working and implementation in Indian Railways of the signal system and power supply in it. Analyses of the signal flow and control throughout the various station and master control.